Our subscription is made up of two parts:

Part 1.  Club fee - The Single membership is $25 and Family Membership fee is $35 per annum.

Part 2.  NZ Four Wheel Drive Association (NZFWDA) fee $50 per annum (collected by us on their behalf).

HOWEVER, If you are already member of the NZFWDA already, either through another 4WD Club or group, then we only charge the $35 to be an associate member.

Our financial year runs from April 1 through to March 31.

TOTAL to pay:

Single $75

Family $85

Day membership $10

Associate membership $35

PAYMENTS - Bank Account

Please pay into our bank account, You must use your name in the reference.

We don't have credit card or EFTPOS facilities.

LROCA account 03-0155-0282575-00

Note:  Please use your own name (as we will we know you on runs) in one of the code/reference boxes to avoid confusions with bank account joint/company/trust names.