We do not make any attempt at all to keep lots of technical or historical info on Land Rovers… nor maintain links to every LR web site in the world!
There are many many LR sites out there on the Interweb which have already collected and sorted details relating to things like chassis numbers of Series vehicles, why the Disco chassis is not the same as a Rangie and why so many Land Rovers were "made of aluminium"…
Out there are forums for almost every model of Land Rover right down to the '900' club for those LWB Series vehicles set up for 900x16 tyres.
Simply use your favourite search engine and be prepared to spend many hours weeding out all the sites which are trying to sell anything remotely connected (and not even connected with) Land Rover! In amongst the adverts are plenty of great LR sites.
However, try joining up with these forums which can provide some good information:
Australian Land Rover Owners (Everything! - there's something for all LR Owners)
Disco 3/4 and RRS owners
Expedition Portal.
Landrovers Only.
Land Rover Forums.
LR4x4 forum.
Range Rovers.net.
Sites with good info
For LR questions, one of our members: Brandon Euro Mechanic Ph. 021 136 6104 Brandonzino@hotmail.co.nz